Open drill sleeve in 3Shape
open drill sleeve
The StecoGuide outer sleeve is now available in the laterally open version in 3Shape Implant Studio. The open outer sleeve is part of the universal StecoGuide double sleeve system (tube in tube). It allows an easier axess for the inner sleeve and the surgical drill in narrow space situations.
New drill sleeve library in 3Shape
The open outer sleeve is available in a separate library. To use the sleeve the library (open outer sleeve) has to be selected. It is shown beside the normal Steco library which contains all other StecoGuide drill sleeves. The new library contains only the open outer sleeve. It can be positioned in any height above the implant and can be rotated together with the implant to adjust the open side to the requirements. The open sides are automatically processed in the template construction.
A small instruction how to find StecoGuide drill sleeves in 3Shape Implant Studio is available in the Download area.
buenas tardes me gustaría tener la biblioteca de las cirugías guiadas para las endodoncias mi software es 3 shape implant studio
porfavor si me pueden comentar como instalar
muchas gracias
Good afternoon, I would like to have the library of guided surgeries for endodontics. My software is 3 shape implant studio.
Please, can you tell me how to install it?
Thank you very much
You can use the 5mm universal drill sleeves (depth stop inner sleeves) in our existing library. You can plan an implant within the tooth. Yust place the sleeve in the desired height (21 or 28mm) above the tooth along the drill axis.