Author Archive for: S.Metzner
About Sascha Metzner
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But we are proud to say that Sascha Metzner contributed 37 entries already.
Entries by Sascha Metzner
new diameters for inner sleeves
/in Allgemein @en, News/by Sascha Metznerone drill guide – several diameters The StecoGuide double sleeve system offers a wide range of different drill sleeves in several diameters and shapes. This allows to guide different drill steps with only one surgical template in implant surgery. Why new sizes? Our most popular diameters for pilot drills are 2.0 and 2.2 mm. Our […]
larger drill sleeves in double sleeve system
/in Allgemein @en, News/by Sascha MetznerTube in Tube drill sleeves – but bigger A new double sleeve system is now available under the name CeHa-drill sleeves. With an outer sleeve of 4.5 mm diameter (1 mm larger than universal system) it’s possible to guide more and larger drill diameters. There are 14 different inner sleeve diameters from 1.6 to 3.8 […]
Open drill sleeve in 3Shape
/2 Comments/in Allgemein @en, News/by Sascha Metzneropen drill sleeve The StecoGuide outer sleeve is now available in the laterally open version in 3Shape Implant Studio. The open outer sleeve is part of the universal StecoGuide double sleeve system (tube in tube). It allows an easier axess for the inner sleeve and the surgical drill in narrow space situations. New drill sleeve […]
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